
The famous reliability of the Dorelan brand, a quality certified by a number of national and international bodies, relies on the quality of our products and all of our company management systems, to ensure full protection of our customers.

Our certifications are proof of quality and transparency towards the end consumer. They are confirmation of the commitment and continuous search for perfection, proof of just how important it is to maintain superior production standards without any compromises or short cuts.

They make us unique, they distinguish us. They enable us to guarantee superior products that are increasingly safe. Stringent internal procedures and work methods subject to prior regulation confirm the quality of a production supply chain grounded in the utmost safety and precision of every single activity.

Hygiene Certification

We are the first company in Italy in the bedding sector to have obtained the Hygiene Certification, which ensures optimal hygiene conditions at every stage of the production process of mattresses, pillows, and bed bases, from sourcing to production and transformation processes, through to packaging, shipping, and product delivery.


Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® is an independent control and certification system for the textile industry. It ensures that certified products are extremely safe for both humans and the
environment. By their nature, our products are subject to highly rigorous and stringent checks, categorised as Class 1 (the same category as items for babies and children under 3), since their contact with the skin is very intense. The criteria for human and environmental safety are therefore extremely strict.

Medical Device

Our products certified by the EC as medical devices pursuant to European Regulation 2017/745 (MDR) comply with the applicable safety and performance criteria. Our products have been tested and are compliant with the stipulations of European harmonised standards. All our medical devices are registered in the “Database of medical devices” of the Italian Ministry of Health, pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 21/12/2009.

ISO 9001

Our company holds ISO 9001 certification for quality management. This means we work more effectively and efficiently, manage our production processes well and reduce the incidence of errors. The checks and measures carried out for certification allow us to improve constantly.

ISO 45001

At Dorelan, the health and safety of our employees is a primary concern; to ensure effective management of our prevention and protection measures we follow the international standard ISO 45001, which indicates compliance with the criteria for health and safety in the workplace.