Dorelan Magazine

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EditorialMaterasso per anziani: che caratteristiche deve avere?

Mattress for the elderly: what characteristics should it have? - Resting well is essential for each of us, at any time in our lives, but when we reach a certain a...

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EditorialMaterassi a molle: caratteristiche e consigli di scelta

Spring mattresses: characteristics and choice advice - When we talk about mattresses, the image that immediately comes to mind is his. That of the sprin...

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EditorialRimedi stanchezza e spossatezza: i più efficaci

Remedies for tiredness and exhaustion: the most effective - Tiredness and exhaustion are two conditions characterized by a more or less marked lack of energ...

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EditorialGoblin mode: pigiama tutto il giorno

Goblin mode: pigiama tutto il giorno - I goblin sono delle creaturine piccole e dispettose dall’aspetto trasandato e decisamente poco g...

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EditorialL'importanza del pisolino come recupero

The importance of napping as recovery - Napping is a widespread habit, especially in Mediterranean countries, often viewed with distrust ...

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EditorialDifferenza tra memory e Myform di Dorelan

Difference between memory and Dorelan's Myform - When we talk about memory foam mattresses, we often tend to think that these products are all the...

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