
Is sleeping without a pillow good for you? Dorelan replies

Dormire senza cuscino fa bene? Risponde Dorelan

Every evening we let ourselves be lulled by the warmth of the blankets, turning off the existing world and heading towards a space that is just ours, revolutionary, different, rich in stories and imagination. A space in which we can feel safe and regenerate our energies. Sometimes, however, it is not so easy to immerse yourself in this reassuring and disconnected world. We toss and turn in bed, we are restless and we change positions without finding the right one. Sometimes we remove the pillow that makes us sweat or that seems bulky, discovering a new incredibly comfortable position! In fact, there are many Italians who sleep without a pillow, due to habit or because they simply cannot find the right one for their needs.

But is choosing to sleep without a pillow good or bad? Most research shows how using the pillow  it is extremely beneficial for all those who sleep on their side or in the fetal position, who then curl their legs inwards for an extreme feeling of comfort and protection. However, this also applies to all people who rest on their stomachs. Resting the head on a soft and comfortable support allows you to maintain the natural curvature of the cervical spine: the neck and spine must be able to release the tensions accumulated during the day, distributing the body weight evenly and correctly supporting the weight of the head.

However, the eternal dilemma remains for stomach-down dreamers, being the category that is most frequently led to believe that sleeping without a pillow is good for the neck. Those who sleep in a supine position are in fact often led to think that the neck and head assume a more natural position without the use of a pillow. In reality, the use of a pillow is always recommended, even if sleeping in this position means assuming a forced position, overloading the neck with tension and leading the spine to assume an incorrect position.

Here because sleep without a pillow does not do Well !

Choosing not to use the pillow for your night's rest can lead to a series of consequences, in the short and long term, affecting the health and well-being of the entire organism. Sleeping constantly and habitually without the right pillow can in fact cause a series of tensions and postural problems, reducing the sensation of well-being and energy that should instead be felt in the morning.

Among the first inconveniences felt by those who believed that sleeping without a pillow is good, emerges the neck pain , which often stiffens and is unable to correctly perform its support function during daylight hours. It also grows discomfort on the spine : who has never had the experience of waking up in the morning and not being able to carry out the most banal movements, which you normally practice continuously? Well, this is definitely a case of cervical pain, an annoying pain that can be accompanied by symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness and even sensory disturbances. Finally, another consequence that confirms that sleeping without a pillow is not good for you is tension perceived on the shoulders , which significantly affects mood as well as physical performance.


You recognize yourself in these symptoms? There are some practical remedies

If you usually sleep without a pillow and have started to experience these symptoms of fatigue, it's probably time to try your hand at some new sporting activity , perhaps such as swimming or free body gymnastics. In fact, these are sports that work a lot on the upper body, toning and regenerating the shoulder and neck muscles.

Another important precaution is to maintain the right posture during the day, especially for all those who work in front of the PC but also while driving. Often, after a long time in the same chair, it is very easy to assume incorrect or curved positions, which certainly do not favor the condition of the neck and back. It is therefore very useful to have special cushions that are placed in the lumbar area, so as to ensure that the back adheres perfectly to the back of the chair.

The last little piece of advice, probably (indeed certainly) the most loved, is that of resort to specific localized massages . Who doesn't love moments of relaxation? Well, if you suffer from cervical pain, an excellent choice is to dedicate time just for yourself, to eliminate the stress accumulated during the night's rest and relieve tension in the shoulders and neck.

Leafing through the catalogue Dorelan you will be able to discover different lines of cushions with different characteristics and technologies. Passion and commitment come together in the hands and science of the Dorelan Research Scientific Committee, to propose an offer capable of responding to the most personal needs of every different body type and every different sleeping habit. From today, never again without a pillow: with Dorelan the revolution in your life starts right from sleep.