
Production of a mattress: do you know how it works?

Produzione di un materasso: sai come funziona?

It's easy to say "goodnight", it's easy to say "what a sleep". It's just that you don't think about it, but inside a mattress, or rather, inside a good mattress, there is technology, knowledge, patents, experiments and many other things necessary to make you wake up rested. In that mattress there is the work of numerous people who deal with different aspects: woodworking, tailoring, assembly, chemistry, mechanics . And even before that, there are those who design and plan your comfort and that of your family, those who choose the raw materials and those who study new ideas for sleeping better. And live better.

Producing a mattress is anything but simple. Let's think about the different elements that compose it, those that allow a certain springing, a certain ergonomics and also perspiration, temperature regulation, response to the movements and weight of the body. And the way they are assembled, the care with which they are worked, finished and tested is important. It's precision work, and like all things done well, it requires commitment, patience and accuracy .

We have chosen to work this way more than 50 years ago and we have never changed course. We strongly believe in quality work and we offer our public the certainty of products made to perfection. This, for us, is called excellence .

How do we do it? The secret is inside our headquarters, in Forlì . There you can find five companies in one: chemistry, wood, mechanics, tailoring, assembly; all united by the same walls, the same brand and the same enthusiasm. And all the components of the mattress, but also those of the bed, the pillows and all the accessories, are produced there, without exceptions. Even the springs, which we often pride ourselves on, are made in Forlì. And we produce thousands of springs, all different, designed for people's real needs . It would be all too easy to produce just one and multiply it by the necessary quantity, but this is not the way we work. We like to listen to the needs of couples, families, athletes, parents, children , and we offer solutions that allow anyone to personalize their rest experience . Yes, experience, we call it that, because between the moment you fall asleep and wake up many things happen that affect your mood, concentration, weight and the energy you need to face a day.

But then, technically, how does the creation of a mattress work? The process begins with the choice of quality raw materials . Not an easy phase because, by definition, quality requires precision and commitment. In this case we spend all the time necessary in choosing the products that can offer the performances that are required.

We then move on to the chemical processing phases, where the materials that form the inside of the mattress are made. The cleaning of processing residues , at this stage, is crucial for the general hygiene of the mattress, and we pay great attention to this activity. We then move on to the tailoring department for the production of linings and some accessories, and then to the production department of springs and springs, which are then tested and applied within the mechanical company; this mainly deals with the correct functioning of the mattress and its technologies. We then proceed to the final assembly of the products, which are always different and always need to be checked and cleaned in every detail (important phases that guarantee the final result both in terms of performance and hygiene). At this point the mattress is ready to reach the point of sale or the bedroom of our customers.

By designing each element in our Forlì headquarters, we have total control over every manufacturing phase of the product . This allows us to bring truly perfect products to the market, designed for people's well-being.

Only in this way does every inch of the bed become truly special. Done with patience and commitment , like all good things, those that require time and attention. We know well that you don't get far in a hurry, and in the case of a mattress, if produced superficially, the result is an imperfect rest, the exact opposite of what we like.