
New opening Dorelan La Fouillouse Saint Etienne

Nuova apertura Dorelan La Fouillouse Saint Etienne
Dorelan continues its growth in the European market with the opening of its second flagship store in France from the beginning of 2023
We are happy to announce the opening of the second flagship store opened in 2023 and the third throughout France. After Lyon and Nice, La Fouillouse Saint Etienne is the third city that hosts the Dorelan store , dedicated to good sleep.
The new store is part of the expansion project of the retail commercial network, dedicated to single-brand stores, undertaken in 2022. St. Etienne, where the store is located, is a well-known commercial area, especially due to the presence of other furniture players.
The store presents a wide variety of products in a 420 m2 exhibition space . The 26 test stations available allow the customer to try different products, so as to personalize their rest. The bed systems present are both for residential and hotel use.



With this new opening, Dorelan intensifies its retail chain by presenting highly diversified solutions, such as new generation premium mattresses made with cutting-edge materials and technologies, toppers, bed bases, sommiers, beds, headboards, pillows and furnishing accessories. Today the company, 100% made in Italy, is present in over 40 countries .

How to reach us:

374 Lieu-dit La Porchère RN82
La Fouillouse, France