
Mens sana in corpore sano

Mens sana in corpore sano

A phrase with a profound meaning, as old as the person who wrote it in the 1st century AD but always relevant.

Mens sana in corpore sano” translated from Latin means “healthy mind in a healthy body” . This phrase has become part of common language but has its roots in the past and more precisely in the Satires of the Roman poet Decimus Junius Juvenal who wrote:

Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano ” or “Let us pray to the gods that we may have a healthy mind in a healthy body”. This expression embodies an absolute truth: to have a healthy mind it is necessary to have a healthy body. Nowadays this statement is certainly true, just as the opposite is equally true, that is, a healthy body also positively influences the spirit and mind.

Contemporary studies have brought to light the close correlation between mind, emotions, spirit and body. The various branches of medicine increasingly consider man as a unique entity to be treated holistically, that is, taking into consideration all his components, not just the strictly physical ones.

Not just physical activity

A healthy body does not just depend on physical health . Practicing sports and having an active daily life is certainly one of the pillars of contemporary well-being, but it is not enough. To be healthy it is essential to combine a healthy and balanced diet, made up of conscious choices dictated by personal needs, the seasonality of foods and meals divided with criteria, consumed slowly and with an eye on breakfast to deal with immediately the day full of energy.

Of equal importance is good sleep , a fundamental element for our physical and mental well-being because it regenerates the body, helps memory, strengthens the immune system and keeps stress at bay.

Last but not least, it is essential to dedicate ourselves to our "self", to our deepest and most ancestral part, dedicating time to relax, regenerate and rediscover the inner calm undermined by the daily frenzy through breathing, meditative practices and yoga .

Tips for a “healthy mind in a healthy body” today

Is it possible to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body in today's times, so full of stress, anxieties and worries? The answer is YES, because as hard as it is to believe, we are responsible for our well-being, regardless of what happens "outside".

Here are 5 tips to put into practice:

  1. Choose a sport or physical activity that combines cardiovascular, muscular and mental work in order to keep the body trained in its entirety;

  1. Prefer a healthy diet without being too restrictive: every now and then indulging in a little indulgence does not nullify the choices made at the table every day;

  1. Limit the viewing of films and TV series and prefer reading before going to sleep because it relaxes the mind and helps you fall asleep;

  1. During the day, take relaxing breaks to regenerate yourself through relaxing breathing and short meditations to find calm;

  1. When possible, enjoy long walks immersed in nature which has immense therapeutic power.