
Maintenance of your mattress and bed system

Manutenzione del proprio materasso e sistema letto

Taking care of a product ensures that the comfort and longevity assured at the time of purchase are guaranteed for the entire duration of its use. Here are some tips for keeping all the components of the Dorelan bed system in optimal conditions

How long does a good mattress last? In fact, much more than is guaranteed. But for hygienic and bacteriological reasons it should be changed after about seven years . This is the period of time in which it is able to give maximum performance, also guaranteed by correct maintenance, which consists of small measures aimed at guaranteeing correct use and perfect hygiene. It is important to keep in mind that care should not only be given to the mattress but also to the bed, pillows, bed bases and sommiers , which must be cleaned and washed periodically. Let's see how.

Mattress care

The first measure is to allow the humidity accumulated during the night to evaporate . Just leave it uncovered every morning for half an hour before making the bed, and for a few hours when changing the sheets. In the first months after purchase it is important to remember that the mattress must be rotated head/feet and flipped up/down in order to allow the elastic material of which it is made to settle evenly . After the first four months it will be sufficient to do these operations twice a year. Keep in mind that not all modern mattresses can be placed in the sun: those in polyurethane or Myform are sensitive to ultraviolet rays and oxidation, so to avoid yellowing or deformation they should never be exposed to direct light.

Personalized washes

To wash the upholstery linings you need to scrupulously follow the instructions on the labels of each product. The only rules valid for everyone are those dictated by common sense: do not use steam machines, hairdryers, irons or aggressive chemical substances and/or solvents. The hygiene of the mattress is guaranteed by the simple use of a high-powered vacuum cleaner and the use of a mattress cover under the sheets. It is used for prevent the lining from getting dirty and stained and to make the mattress absorb less humidity. Pillows should also be aired every morning and, when necessary, washed in the washing machine at 30 degrees with neutral detergent at least once a year. Tumble drying in the dryer is recommended for down pillows. However, it should be avoided for models in MyForm.