
How to regulate sleep: the world of monitoring

Come regolarizzare il sonno: il mondo del monitoraggio

We can think of sleep as a clock, which marks its phases at precise rhythms. More technically, the sleep rhythm is closely influenced by the so-called “circadian cycle” , whereby the regularity of our rest is directly influenced by the body's exposure to the light-dark cycle.

It is therefore very important to expose yourself regularly to both daylight and darkness: exposure to light favors the production of a particular hormone, melatonin , which must be released during the falling asleep phase to stimulate and aid sleep.

Respecting this delicate process will allow you to have regular sleep, which correctly follows all the dream phases and which favors the functioning of the entire organism. But what are the dream phases? And how can you regulate your sleep in the case of an inconsistent rhythm? Let's find out together in this article.

We know the stages of regular sleep

When we rest we move between five phases of sleep, starting from falling asleep : in this phase the heart rate slows down, the body temperature lowers and the muscles relax, until we reach a condition of deep relaxation. This is where the phase begins light sleep , in which breathing becomes deep and the body begins to finally prepare to enter the actual sleep phase.

The third phase is in fact that of deep sleep , in which muscle activity and eye movement stop completely, while the unconscious activity of our mind begins. It is precisely in this phase of complete and profound relaxation that our body begins to restore and regenerate its metabolic reserves, to return to its condition of natural balance.

The last, and perhaps best known, phase of sleep is the REM phase ! In this stage, brain activity slowly begins to awaken, blood flow and breathing gradually increase and it is in fact precisely in this phase that dreams begin. In the dream phase, extremely important for the processing of memories and information, the brain is as active as during the day.

How to monitor sleep and dream phases?

To have regular sleep there is an important activity, which should not be underestimated and which acts as an interesting indicator on the linear progression of these phases: the monitoring . Monitoring sleep means checking indicators such as the total duration of rest, but also the duration of the dream phases themselves using, for example, appropriate professional tools.

An adult person, for example, should sleep between 7 and 9 hours , except for particular cases, such as for "long sleepers", which need at least 10 hours to restore energy, and for "short sleepers", which instead only need 5 or 6 hours of sleep.

As regards the duration of the sleep stages, it is important to consider these phases in monitoring activities they will be repeated several times in a single rest cycle, continuing from the falling asleep stage to the REM stage. Every single phase can last 5 to 15 minutes .

So how can you get regular sleep?

To understand how to have regular sleep it is necessary to constantly repeat this monitoring activity, intervening over time improve your lifestyle and concretely verify progress.

Simply following a healthy diet and taking light meals in the evening, or doing relaxing activities before going to bed, like reading a good book or listening to music, you will be able to notice improvements in the regularity of your rest.

A further factor that can contribute significantly to the regularization of sleep is sleep quality of the tools used in moments of rest . Old mattresses or pillows, which no longer offer the same standard in terms of performance, will not be able to guarantee a healthy life and great well-being.

This is why it is important to choose mattresses And cushions that adapt to your sleeping habits, as well as your personal physiological needs. For quality sleep, discover the technological innovation of Dorelan products: because sleeping well means living better.