
What to do to fight insomnia?

Cosa fare per combattere l’insonnia?

Almost one in three Italians sleep badly. That of insomnia it is a theme that recurs often, that it is not always easy to understand how to combat and that puts a strain on energy, concentration and even the mood itself. Just think of how unnerving it can be to wake up in the middle of the night to stare at the ceiling, then look at the clock to discover that it's almost dawn!

Insomnia can occur with a series of different symptoms , from nocturnal awakenings to early awakenings to difficulty falling asleep. However, each person needs a different amount of sleep, so this disorder can only be diagnosed by the effects it has on daytime life: irritability, fatigue, poor attention, anxiety, worry and bad mood can be the signs that indicate a real presence of insomnia.

Since the causes are many and different, it is difficult to generalize about treatments and understand what to do to combat insomnia. In fact, it could be triggered by something simple, such as excessive caffeine intake, rather than by more complex problems, such as stressful factors or particular health conditions. So let's find out some simple tips to understand if fight insomnia with simple daily gestures or if it is preferable to seek the advice of an expert.

Some tips for fighting insomnia

Although it may seem counterintuitive, the first piece of advice for those who want to fight insomnia is actually to don't fight it : trying to ward off insomnia attacks could cause further anxiety, stress or bad mood. In order not to create an effect opposite to the desired one, it is therefore a good idea to try to relax, emphasizing and learning about your condition .

There are also a series of other tips to combat insomnia that can be put into practice immediately and which allow you to correct some behaviors or habits that do not promote rest. If you recognize yourself in the symptoms described above, these are some remedies that can help you prevent or counteract the onset of problems related to sleep disorders.

Here's what to do to fight insomnia:

  • Hire light meals at evening : the closer it gets to evening, the more it is recommended to have light and frugal meals. It would be good, for example, to avoid taking carbohydrates or foods such as bread, sweets and coffee, so as not to tire the metabolism.

  • Relax with a herbal tea hot : hot drinks have the ability to relax and ease stomach tension, bringing great benefits to our entire organism. Herbal teas are also perfect for replacing the midnight snack.

  • R ead a good book : evening reading helps us to fall asleep, distracting us from daily stress and preparing us to welcome sleep. Therefore, replacing the reading of a good book with the use of electronic devices is an excellent way to combat insomnia.

  • Turn off the lights and lock up the shades : the level of light inside the room is also crucial for the quality of rest. In fact, we must accustom our brain to a correct sleep-wake cycle, to remain active during the hours of sunshine and at rest during the hours of darkness.

  • No, no afternoon naps : as long as the afternoon nap should never exceed 30 minutes, for those suffering from insomnia this activity could cause a greater imbalance in the already delicate sleep structure.

  • Go to bed only when you have sleep : if you feel like you are not sleepy, then don't go to bed. It is important to accustom our brain to distinguish between the environments in which we carry out activities and those in which we rest, where we can relax and dedicate ourselves only to rest. This also applies if you wake up often during the night: get up and go to another room.

A final and important piece of advice, which is also valid not only for fighting insomnia, concerns the choice of quality tools for sleep care . Well-being is in fact a balance that is achieved by practicing a series of good habits, starting from the choice of pillows, beds and slats on which we rest.

For quality sleep it is important to equip yourself with pillows capable of supporting and accompanying the cervical, while i mattresses they must provide correct support to the spine. If you are looking for tools for quality sleep, enter the world Dorelan : because sleeping well is living better.