
Buying guide: how to choose the perfect mattress for your needs

Guida all'acquisto: come scegliere il materasso perfetto per le tue esigenze

How many times have we woken up already tired, tired or nervous after a tormented and stormy night? When we are unable to rest well or perhaps do not sleep at all, it is not only our mood that is affected, but also the health of our entire organism! Sleeping well is therefore a real thing physiological necessity , which allows us to start each day on the right foot and with maximum energy.

But how can we enjoy peaceful, quality sleep? One of the elements that most affects the quality of a night's rest, and which we very often take for granted, is our loved one mattress ! For those who are wondering how to choose the right mattress, there are a series of prerogatives that determine the actual quality of a mattress: from the ability to support us, to that of following the curve of our spine up to that of maintaining the right microclimate between body and mattress itself.

In this guide to buying the perfect mattress, let's see together a series of factors to pay attention to before definitively choosing and purchasing our night ally, to ensure a regenerative and high-quality sleep!

  1. Evaluate the internal composition and pay attention to the lining

The internal composition is the first essential element to take into consideration when it is time to choose the mattress, because it is precisely on it that the quality, durability and price of the mattress depend. Let's discover the characteristics of the two most popular types of mattresses that we can find on the market:

  • THE mattresses in Memory foam represents a real innovation in the world of sleep. The layer of polyurethane foam with which they are made makes them able to adapt to shapes, memorizing them and therefore easing the pressure on the body and pain in the muscles and joints. This mattress is especially ideal for those sensitive to the cold: it is able not only to adapt to the shape of the body but also to perfectly maintain body temperature.

The height minimum to choose a quality memory foam mattress is around 18-20 centimeters . Below this threshold, in fact, the mattress may not be able to properly support the body.

  • THE Spring mattresses are the most widespread type and are distinguished by the classic and traditional spring structure, capable of supporting the body with the right balance between elasticity and solidity. These are mattresses with high breathability properties, which is why they are particularly suitable for all people who suffer from the heat, especially in summer. Spring mattresses should be at least 20-25 centimeters high precisely to be able to accommodate an adequate structure to guarantee comfort during sleep, without deforming over time.

Once you have understood how to choose the composition of the mattress, it is also good to pay attention to the lining: it is in fact the fabric that will cover the mattress and which will be in close contact with our body. The materials must therefore be of high quality, possibly natural and very breathable.

2. Opt for the right degree of ergonomics and hardness

The ergonomics and hardness of the mattress refer to the softness and rigidity of the mattress and therefore its ability to support sleep during a night's rest, respecting the natural curvature of the spine. To establish the most appropriate degree of rigidity, it is always a good idea to start from your weight and height: i softer mattresses they are suitable for people whose weight is around 60kg while the degree of rigidity ideal increases as body weight increases.

The general rule to always refer to is that to choose the right mattress it is important that it does not exert pressure no pressure on the body : ergonomics and hardness influence night-time posture, so a mattress that is too soft could cause postural and muscular problems, while one that is too rigid could compress the tissues and negatively affect the spine.

3. Choose the right mattress based on your sleeping habits

During sleep we continuously acquire different positions, without realizing it and in absolutely spontaneous and natural movements. However, there are some favorite positions that we usually assume and maintain more often, so it becomes important to choose the right mattress to guarantee the right level of comfort and support.

In particular, for everyone who sleeps in supine position , and therefore they lie on their stomachs, the ideal mattress would be a more rigid mattress, to give the right support to the spine. Differently, who If you sleep on your side , the mattress I allow should have greater softness characteristics, allowing the shoulder to sink and maintain the right feeling of comfort.

For those who are used to it sleeping as a couple , a double mattress capable of adapting to different nocturnal positions is always recommended, such as mattresses with memory foam technology, which precisely accommodate every body shape.

If thanks to this guide you have understood how to choose the mattress for your rest, browse the catalogue Dorelan you will be able to discover many different types of mattresses, perfect to adapt to your particular body structure and your sleeping habits. If you still can't say which model is best suited to your sleep, then answer the questions Sleep Trainer Dorelan , to start your wellness experience immediately!