
Because we must be proud of the excellence of Italian know-how

Perché dobbiamo essere orgogliosi dell’eccellenza del saper fare italiano

Today more than ever we reiterate the strength of Made in Italy and the need to support and protect the tradition and experience we have acquired over the years.

Why can we talk about Made in Italy?

The reliability of our brand depends on the quality of the product. We design and develop entirely in Italy, within the Forlì factory, carefully following the entire production cycle and maintaining full control of each processing phase. All Dorelan brand products are made through careful monitoring of the origin and provenance of the raw materials, with the use of highly selected, high quality materials and with a workmanship that exploits the most advanced Italian innovation and research in the field of technologies and design .

Creating, working and producing in the Romagna area represents, for us, a high quality choice, thanks to the use of expert and capable workers who bring excellence to the "know-how" typical of the most noble Italian manufacturing tradition which has made it famous, Made in Italy is unique and inimitable in the world.

5 industries in 1.

Dorelan is a concrete example of Made in Italy, or rather, Made in Dorelan. Why?

What makes the Dorelan brand unique in the bedding sector is its internal production: each product is designed and developed in-house , made with quality raw materials, and created by experts in Italian know-how in the name of local manufacturing tradition. All the elements of the bed system are made within the 29,355 m2 of production and its 14 departments, both top-of-the-range mattresses but also bed bases, bed bases and pillows.

In fact, inside the heart of Dorelan 5 different industries coexist, micro realities that make the production of products for the well-being of sleep unique in Italy: the wood department (construction of slats and bed bases), the chemical department (the production of myform, the which constitutes the cores of the mattresses), the metalworking department (the creation and internal production of the individual springs) the tailoring department (the packaging and creation of the textile components of the products) and the assembly department (giving shape to the product)

Wood department : Dorelan has been a manufacturer of nets for more than twenty years. The various technological innovations and the various patents obtained have made it possible to create durable nets without neglecting aesthetic quality. The raw materials used are wood (beech plywood) and carbon fibre. Producing bed bases internally involves high investments but allows you to obtain products studied and designed to guarantee greater support and support for the bed system.

Chemical department: the polyurethane produced internally in the Dorelan department is used to create the cores in MyForm. This internal process, in our specialized chemical department, allows the internal creation of polyurethane blocks with smaller volumes, compared to their external purchase, and this guarantees greater control over the technical characteristics and uniformity over high quality standards.

Metalworking department: even the springs inside the mattress are Made in Dorelan. The processing of the steel wire by special highly technological and innovative machinery allows the construction of each individual spring (both independent, bonnel and lfk). The decades of experience in the creation of springs has allowed us to study the product in its specificities and create increasingly cutting-edge models.

Tailoring department : Dorelan's history lays its foundations on craftsmanship. The evolution and growth over the years has led Dorelan to develop innovative and technologically advanced processes while maintaining particular attention to individual details. Our seamstresses allow the processing of each component of the mattress, such as the covers, the bands, or the finishing of the padding. The expert hands and the noise of the sewing machines perfectly punctuate the typical sound of a careful and all-Italian production.

Assembly department : in this department the culmination of the know-how that has characterized Dorelan for 52 years takes place. Every detail and precise study carried out on the individual components takes shape with the construction and creation of the finished product. Assembling components designed and produced 100% internally is an exclusive added value.

Research and development, traceability of raw materials, the quality of suppliers, and complex production allow us to guarantee a product that proudly represents the excellence of Italian know-how and the elegance of its design.