Dorelan Magazine

Neuheiten, Neueröffnungen und exklusive Inhalte von Dorelan.

LeitartikelAbilità psicologiche e prestazione negli sport di resistenza

Psychological abilities and performance in endurance sports - In endurance sports , such as marathons, triathlons or cross-country skiing (running, swimming, s...

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LeitartikelIl bambino protagonista attivo dell'educazione

The child is an active protagonist of education - “Experience consists not so much in what we do, but in what we do with what we do.” (Aldous Huxl...

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LeitartikelPreparati alla gara in due settimane

Get ready for the race in two weeks - The athlete's sporting performance is clearly influenced by his state of well-being , but althoug...

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Leitartikel5 alimenti da evitare in periodi di stress

5 foods to avoid in times of stress - Stress is one of the most used and abused terms of the 21st century. But what really is stress? ...

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LeitartikelMigliora il sonno per ridurre infiammazioni

Improve sleep to reduce inflammation - The athlete's sporting performance is clearly influenced by his state of well-being , but althoug...

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NachrichtFUORI TUTTO Dorelan!

FUORI TUTTO Dorelan! - Scopri la promo

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LeitartikelMigliorare performance: attenzione all'overtraining

Improving performance: beware of overtraining - The goal of every elite or amateur athlete is to continually improve their sporting performance....

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LeitartikelIntervista a Stefano Cerutti: perchè Mirtillo Rosso Family Hotel ha scelto Dorelan

Intervista a Stefano Cerutti: perchè Mirtillo Rosso Family Hotel ha scelto Dorelan - Dorelan è leader di mercato oltre che nel settore domestico anche nel settore alberghiero. Grazie...

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