Dorelan Magazine

Neuheiten, Neueröffnungen und exklusive Inhalte von Dorelan.

EröffnungenNuova Apertura in Campania: apre Dorelan Sorrento!

Nuova Apertura in Campania: apre Dorelan Sorrento! - Secondo le ultime statistiche, sette italiani su dieci manifestano disturbi del sonno e quattro s...

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LeitartikelDormire bene per allenarsi meglio

Sleep well to train better - Can you test a mattress? In the collective imagination (or, at least, in mine), when I start test...

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Sofia: "Vi racconto perchè ho scelto di fare lo stage in Dorelan". - Vogliamo raccontarvi la realtà di Dorelan: le persone che ci lavorano ogni giorno, la loro esperi...

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LeitartikelQuando l'alimentazione fa la differenza

When nutrition makes the difference - Cycling races that last more than a day – the so-called stage races such as the Giro d'Italia, t...

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LeitartikelOrmone dello stress associato al sonno
LeitartikelAbilità psicologiche e prestazione negli sport di resistenza

Psychological abilities and performance in endurance sports - In endurance sports , such as marathons, triathlons or cross-country skiing (running, swimming, s...

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LeitartikelIl bambino protagonista attivo dell'educazione

The child is an active protagonist of education - “Experience consists not so much in what we do, but in what we do with what we do.” (Aldous Huxl...

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LeitartikelPreparati alla gara in due settimane

Get ready for the race in two weeks - The athlete's sporting performance is clearly influenced by his state of well-being , but althoug...

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