
Dorelan France, partner of the Lyon tennis club

Dorelan France, partenaire du tennis Club de Lyon

Dorelan is a partner of Lyon Tennis Club and in the evening the members of certain club animations will be present to convey to the participants the value and importance of «Sleeping well to live my life».

The Tennis Club of Lyon is probably the oldest club in France and its fêté 150 years in 2014 . Il fait partie des Centenary Tennis Clubs regroupant les centenaires les most prestigieux clubs de la planet. The Club has 16 outdoor courts, 10 double courts and 4 padel & squash courts.

This year, Dorelan will assist 5 Club animations lors desquelles la boutique Dorelan Lyon remettra des lots aux champions. We take advantage of these events to introduce you to our dedicated line for athletes, ReActive®, the first line of materials scientifically conçue to improve performances, recovery and well-being of all athletes, with the advantages of scientific tests.

Do you want to meet the animations of the Lyon Tennis Club?